Brad Morehouse – A True Aviation Sportsman and Jet Air Race Pilot
Brad Morehouse flew his L-39 into the aviation history books and he flew as if flying was all that mattered. Brad lived his life on the edge when racing and lived every minute of it to extreme. He and his team, air race “Jet Class” team aimed to be the top contender at the 2007 Reno Air Races, unfortunately as in all high risk sports complications had arisen when a jet crossed his path and he flew the jet wash at an incredible speed.
His aircraft rolled right and left as he attempted to recover, and for a split second it appeared he had leveled the wings and recovered and then the aircraft pitched down to the left, departed from flight and hit the desert turf at near top racing speed; 400 to 500 knots, he was killed instantly. The wake turbulence was too much for the aircraft to stay aloft and that ended the life of a true aviation air racer and enthusiast, lover of life and jet air race pilot.
Brad was from Wyoming and loved to fly, his race team had worked hard to prepare for the race and was no longer novice to the Reno Air Races. Brad was well-known in aviation circles from Oshkosh Wisconsin to Reno, Nevada. It was a sad day at the 2007 Reno Air Races and the Jet Races are spectacular to watch, although after that it did not seem quite as worthwhile, as aviation lost one of its own. What a truly wonderful individual he was, but aviation history will not forget him.